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Travel Advise

When embarking on a Southern Africa Safari, it’s crucial to pack appropriately to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. To help you prepare, here’s a Ultimate travel guide to Southern Africa to what you should bring:

Luggage Requirements:

  1. One large carry-on kit bag: Avoid using hardcover suitcases, as they can be cumbersome and prone to damage. Opt for more flexible bags.
  2. No hard suitcases: Limit your luggage weight to a maximum of 20 kg (44 lbs).
  3. One item of hand luggage: Consider a small backpack for your essentials.

Personal Equipment for Safaris to Southern Africa:

  • Passport: Ensure it’s valid for at least 6 months from your entry date.
  • Torch with spare batteries and globes: Essential for nighttime activities.
  • Hat/Cap: Protect yourself from the sun.
  • Warm Jacket: Evenings can get chilly.
  • Swimming Costume: For those refreshing dips.
  • Natural Clothing: Avoid bright colors to blend in with the environment.
  • A pair of lightweight long pants and a lightweight long-sleeve shirt: Sun protection.
  • Comfortable walking shoes and sandals: Suitable for various terrains.
  • Camera Equipment, Binoculars, and spare memory cards & batteries: Capture memories and wildlife sightings.
  • Water bottle: Stay hydrated.
  • Sleeping Bag (for Camping Safaris): If you prefer a more rustic experience.

Toiletries for Safaris to Southern Africa:

  • Personal Toiletries in a small bag: Keep it compact.
  • Suntan Lotion and block out for the face: Protect your skin from the sun.
  • Malaria Prophylaxis ( Northern Namibia, Botswana, Tanzania Kenya and Kruger National Park) Consult your local Doctor for advise.
  • Mosquito repellent lotion/spray: Prevent insect bites.

Important Information:

  1. Travel Insurance (Compulsory): Ensure you have adequate medical insurance, as some activities may require it. Without proper insurance, you may need to pay for emergency services.
  2. Health: Inform us of any pre-existing health conditions and keep prescription medication secure. Sandy Tracks and its partners are not liable for medication loss or damage.
  3. Dietary Requirements: If you have special dietary needs, please notify us when booking to accommodate your preferences.
  4. Visas: Visa requirements vary by country and nationality. Check with embassies or visa service agents in your home country at least 6 weeks before your trip. Travellers are responsible for obtaining the required visas.
  5. Multiple Entry Visa: If your adventure tour involves re-entering a country, ensure you have a multiple entry visa.
  6. Onward/Return Ticket and Sufficient Funds: Carry proof of onward/return travel and have access to enough funds (e.g., credit card) to support your stay in the country.

By adhering to these guidelines and ensuring you have the necessary documentation, you’ll be well-prepared for your African safari adventure with Sandy Tracks. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

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