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Verifizierte Sandy Tracks Bewertungen

Positive Bewertungen motivieren uns, hohe Standards zu halten und nach Spitzenleistungen zu streben. Konstruktive Kritik hingegen bietet uns Möglichkeiten für Wachstum und Verbesserung. Beide Arten von Feedback sind entscheidend für unsere kontinuierliche Entwicklung.

Ihr Feedback ist von unschätzbarem Wert und hilft uns, uns zu verbessern. Wir lesen jede Bewertung sorgfältig, um zu verstehen, was wir gut machen und wo wir unser Angebot verbessern können. Danke, dass Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, uns Ihre Gedanken mitzuteilen. Ihre Bewertungen machen einen Unterschied!

The Bosetti’s Safari vacation

25 Juni 2017

I loved our guide David. He picked us up and he was always a joy to be around. Extremely friendly and knowable about South Africa. We felt safe with him. He kept us on schedule and very busy during our trip. He took us to places we did not except to go and showed us some of the most beautiful sites. He knew a lot about the animals in Kruger Park and we loved the fact that he joined us on one of our trips. The Kroger Adventure lodge was very nice. The staff was my favorite. They were very accommodating and always friendly. The had a nice breakfast every morning and nice dinner. One night David even cooked for us on the campfire. The entire experience was amazing and a trip of a life time. I want to come back to africa and do more trips as long as David is our Guide.


“Fantastic Experience”

3 Mai 2017

Great staff. Friendly and responsive service. Went above and beyond to personalize my trip.


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